Understanding jQuery's Deferred

I was talking with a coworker earlier today trying to wrap my head around how part of jQuery’s Deferred worked. I didn’t understand how part of Deferred worked.

Here’s a sample call

function something() {
    var deferred = $.Deferred();

    if (someCall) {

    return deferred;

    .done(function() {
    .fail(function() {
    .always(function() {

What was confusing me was how .done would be called if resolve was executed before the deferred was returned. There was some sort of weird disconnect going on in my brain. I was thinking someCall is async so it’s possible that .resolve won’t be called before the method returns. But that just causes race conditions that I knew weren’t what I wanted to get into. My coworker then set me straight that when .done is executed it checks the state of the deferred and then calls the callback if necessary. This made perfect sense. I don’t know why that didn’t occur to me.

To cement this in my brain I decided to port Deferred to c#. It helps me a lot to be able to write something.

Here’s the result.

I had decided not to make Deferred itself generic because each of the .Done, .Always, .Fail may take many different parameters. I wanted to give some leeway in those calls.

- Ben Dornis